Sachse Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is transformative. It entails evaluation, assessment, and treating people experiencing problems with mobility and neurological disorders. For effective treatment, one should use professional physical therapy services in Sachse. These therapists have the training to handle most conditions.

Physical Therapy Near You

Our physical therapists near Sachse have all the necessary qualifications. We also have experience in offering therapy to patients with various medical conditions. Our physical therapists are consistently improving their skills by taking the relevant courses.

Additionally, our physical therapy services are custom-designed to suit each patient’s need. We can also involve your social support system in the goal-setting process to aid in quick recovery. Our therapy techniques and treatment modalities are geared to make you feel and move better.

If you have a disorder or injury that restricts movement or causes pain, you should get in touch with us. We will design a transformative exercise program suited to treat your condition. We endeavor to keep you working with one physical therapist for consistency. Working with one therapist helps you also create a rapport and improve communication regarding your progress.

Patient Wellbeing is Our Primary Concern

We understand the fact that payment is a concern, and sometimes a challenge.

Physical Therapy Specialties

There are no one-size-fits-all when it comes to physical therapy. For this reason, various specialties fall under this medical field. Each type focuses on different groups of conditions and patients. The goal of this grouping is to help patients receive efficient therapy for recovery.

Orthopedic Physical Therapy

Orthopedic physical therapy focuses on diagnosing, managing, and treating injuries and disorders that affect the musculoskeletal system. An orthopedic physical therapist can also help patients recovering from surgery. Our therapists have extensive knowledge of sports injuries, arthritis, post-operative joints, and other conditions.

The often-used treatments include strength training, joint mobilization exercises, and hot and cold packs. Do you have conditions affecting the bones, muscles, tendons, or ligaments? You can book an appointment with our top orthopedic physical therapists near Sachse today.

If you have injuries such as fractures, sprains, bursitis, or tendonitis, you can benefit from this type of physical therapy. After a thorough evaluation, we will create the best exercise program to manage the condition. These exercises focus on your joints, muscle, and bones.

Neurological Physical Therapy

Various conditions and injuries can affect the brain. Some are genetic, while others can occur after accidents. Neurological conditions include traumatic brain injuries, concussions, movement disorders, stroke, Parkinson’s, and MS (multiple sclerosis), and more. When such conditions occur, you may need some help getting back on your feet, making physical therapy an ideal option.

Conditions affecting the brain lead to a severe loss of function. At OneRehab physical therapy clinic, we offer various multispecialty therapies to help patients battling these conditions. Our team comprises vestibular-specialized physical therapists to help with balance issues, speech, and mobility.

Patients with neurological disorders often experience vision impairment, difficulty walking, poor balance, and paralysis. Some of these conditions also make patients dependent on other people. As a result, they feel vulnerable, which can lead to psychological disorders. Working with therapists helps address and treat these areas.

Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Rehabilitation

This specialty treats patients who have pulmonary and cardiac conditions. If you have gone through pulmonary and cardiac surgery, you can also benefit from physical therapy in this area.

Our physical therapists’ goal, in this case, is to help increase the functional independence of the patient. Once this increases, a patient’s endurance and quality of life improve. The problems addressed here can include pulmonary fibrosis and heart attack. With physical therapy, you can build back key muscle strength.

Geriatric Physical Therapy

This form of therapy covers the issue experienced as people grow old. Recovering from injuries is more difficult in old age. Additionally, most senior citizens experience chronic conditions and pain. Also, they have diminished strength, coordination, and inability to do everyday tasks like before.

The age-related conditions include arthritis, hip and joint replacement, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, balance disorders, and many others. Most seniors have broken bones and brain injuries arising from falls. There is also an increased chance of a recurring fall.

Geriatric physical therapy helps manage such conditions. It helps improve balance and muscle strength, reducing chances of re-injury. Additionally, our programs, such as oncology therapy, give patients information about managing their environment.

You can choose physical therapy at this age even before experiencing any condition. This proactive physical therapy helps reduce the chances of injuries. The sessions also keep seniors engaged, tuned up, and more active, thus reducing the likelihood of developing neurological conditions. As a result, they are more confident and sustain independence for a long time.

cancer therapy

One-Stop Physical Therapy Rehab Clinic

OneRehab multispecialty rehab clinic near Sachse offers a one-stop solution for most conditions. We have the necessary certifications, which shows our ability to provide the required physical therapy services. We have a team of qualified and certified therapists to handle various conditions and provide quality care.

Additionally, we continuously improve our skills by enrolling in various related courses to polish our techniques. Due to the constant skill upgrading, our physical therapists near Sachse do not rely on one field. This increases our approach to therapy, making it possible to work with all patients. Apart from having the required licenses, we also derive more expertise and knowledge through continued practice.