Physical Therapy near Murphy

Are you in pain? Struggling with a condition? Did a doctor appoint you to a physical therapist? If so, don’t settle for anything less than the best. Our physical therapy clinic has the best ratings from the Murphy community

Providing Physical Therapy to Murphy Residents

Our physical therapy clinic near Murphy, TX, caters to conditions affecting the body, like Neurorehabilitation, which helps patients with functional movement disorders and others. Our physical therapists create sessions to address each patient’s demand. As a result, you can return to prior physical functioning.

Accidents such as traumatic brain injury, neck and spine, elbow, hip, and foot injuries can cripple your way of life. These conditions can take away your independence. Conditions such as strokeParkinson’s disease, or Multiple Sclerosis can also affect mobility. Physical therapy supplements medical treatment, helping you to regain your independence.

Patient Wellbeing is Our Primary Concern

We understand the fact that payment is a concern, and sometimes a challenge.

Top Physical Therapist serving Murphy

After you visit the OneRehab physical therapy clinic, our therapists do a thorough examination. We ask questions about the condition or the injury. The questions entail the level and the severity of the pain where total honesty is necessary. We then assess your strength, flexibility, range of motion, muscle function, and posture.

After that, you receive a diagnosis, and we can also map out your recovery goals. These are individualized goals based on the injury or condition. We also design a treatment plan in line with the objectives.

Information is essential in physical therapy because it prevents injuries. For this reason, we guide you through the treatment and advise on safe ways you can exercise to regain strength. It is good to ask as many questions as possible during these physical therapy sessions.

physical therapy

Physical Therapy Procedure

A total rehabilitation center comprises two components; therapeutic modalities and therapeutic exercise. Modalities help address injury effects such as spasms, edema, and pain, while therapeutic exercises are critical for recovery after an injury. For therapy to be effective, we should meet various parameters for one to return to preinjury levels.

Flexibility and Range of Motion

Our physical therapists near Murphy focus on helping you regain full range of motion after an injury or illness. It is crucial to start with this step as it allows you to participate in the exercises easily. If you have a leg injury restricting your hamstring, it can be painful and challenging to do strength training activities when the range of motion is limited.

Additionally, focusing on increased range of motion on an affected area prevents the development of scar tissue. Scar tissue around a joint can limit soft tissue’s movement because it attaches to and pulls the adjacent tissue causing a strong adhesive bond.

Also, as an injury heals in any body part, there is a limited window to when it can be manipulated and changed. If that time passes, the chances of effecting a change decrease, diminishing the chances of getting the full range of motion. When you visit our physical therapy clinic near Murphy, we utilize the time to assess the condition. We also map out exercise plans that help you regain range of motion in the affected areas.

Balance, Agility, and Coordination

Once you have your strength and range of motion back, there may be a temptation to stop physical therapy. At our clinic, we also focus on helping you with balance, agility, and coordination. For an athlete, these are crucial in preventing injuries. Our sports medicine physical therapy focuses on these aspects to test potential weakness.

Seniors citizens also benefit from balance and coordination exercises, which prevent the risk of falling. Patients with functional movement disorders, Parkinson’s, and other neurological conditions also benefit from these exercises.

When a patient has enough strength and flexibility, we focus on improving coordination, agility, and balance. You will require enough range of motion to balance exercises repeatedly and correctly. Our physiotherapists base these activities on a foundation of even muscle endurance, good flexibility, and strength.

Strength and Muscle Endurance

As you heal from an injury, focusing on regaining your strength and muscle endurance is the next step. When you get an injury, you lose some strength in the affected and surrounding areas. When you visit OneRehab physical clinic near Murphy, we evaluate the injured part, the duration of the injury, and its severity. These factors affect the strength and muscle endurance loss.

Muscle endurance and strength are probably the most sought after exercises after an injury. Our professional physical therapists customize activities to help regain strength in the affected area. The more endurance and strength you get, the more muscle resistance you have.

Testing Ability to Perform Activities

Once you have regained flexibility and a full range of motion, built your muscle strength and endurance, regained increased balance and coordination, we can now test your ability to perform specific tasks. This shows that you have regained optimal participation and function. If you are an athlete, you should be able to perform activities that you were doing before.

After the right physical therapy, some athletes become better and stronger in the areas they had an injury. If you had lost your independence and could not function without help, physical therapy helps with this issue.

Book an Appointment Today

We are a reputable physical therapy clinic near Murphy, helping patients rebuild lives. Age-related conditions, injuries, or medical disorders can affect people leading to a need for physical therapy. We have created a facility providing patients with a skilled team of physical therapists for any condition.

If you have gone through surgery or are seeking alternative ways to manage your condition, physical therapy is the right option. Additionally, we provide oncology therapy to help cancer patients adjust. Our therapists have skills in speech and occupational therapy.

In cases where you need help adjusting to assistive devices, OneRehab is the best for you. Our therapists will take you through a detailed evaluation to determine an ideal treatment path for you. You can reach out to us today.