Irving Occupational Therapy

You can get customized occupational therapy near Irving, TX, from OneRehab OTs. Get in touch and start the journey to healing. 

OT near Irving

Occupational therapy helps patients of all ages with physical, sensory, and cognitive problems. OT helps patients relearn or learn how to do activities of daily living which fosters their independence. An Occupational therapist can also deal with issues that affect emotions, social and physical wellbeing.

As a family-based occupational therapy clinic in Irving, TX, we offer unmatched treatment services. We have several years in the field, guaranteeing excellent experienced physicians capable of dealing with any condition. Our primary goal is to offer therapy and care to help patients to gain or regain independence. To achieve these goals, we use exercises and other techniques such as adjusting your environment.

We offer our services to both adults and children, helping them improve their gross or fine motor skills. If you want the leading occupational therapists, contact us today.

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Get occupational therapy near Irving, TX, now.

What to Expect During Occupational Therapy Sessions

Knowing what you can expect in the first occupational therapy session can help you to prepare adequately. You can also prepare a few questions beforehand, which you can discuss with your therapist. At our occupational therapy clinic, we take you through various stages. 

Information Gathering

All doctors request information before they start you on any treatment plan. It is no different from occupational therapy. Your therapist needs to know all the details about the condition affecting you or your loved one.

For this reason, an OT will get basic information from you. They will also look at your medical history to see how to tailor treatment to your case. You also need to provide more information to fill up any gaps in the records. At our occupational therapy clinic, we seek information such as:

  • Diagnosis
  • Age
  • Past medical history
  • Precautions
  • The previous level of function before the injury or illness.

We can also ask questions about how you perform the activities of daily living. Understanding the prior functioning level helps when determining the best treatment approach.

Evaluation and Assessment

Once we collect this information, we move on to evaluation and assessment. In this step, our OT will evaluate your state of health. We will evaluate:

  • Level of assistance needed for activities of daily living (ADL)
  • Tone
  • Sensation
  • Vital signs
  • Pain
  • Coordination
  • Proprioception
  • Joint range of motion

The evaluation process aligns with our goal of offering patient-centered care. It determines the specific needs for each patient, which informs the treatment program. It also determines the exercises and intervention needed to achieve recovery or make it easy to do the ADL.

occupational therapy

Determine a Patients' Suitability for Treatment

After going through the first two stages, we determine if the patient is suitable for treatment. The occupational therapist has to answer the question if the condition gets better after treatment. The therapist can also determine if you may need additional forms of treatment such as physical or speech therapies to boost chances of recovery.

Apart from looking at the physical aspect, the OT considers your mental and emotional state. You need to have the right enthusiasm and motivation when going through occupational therapy. When you have a positive attitude, it increases the chance of success. If you are low in motivation, we have the best occupational therapists in Irving, TX, to lift your spirits.

Setting Goals

Goal setting offers a treatment roadmap. The goals need to be individualized, timely, and attainable. Our occupational therapists design short-term and long-term goals. We love to have a collaborative goal-setting session with you or your loved one. This active participation makes it possible for you to be fully engaged during the treatment process.

Patients who meet short-term goals become more encouraged to meet long-term goals. Additionally, checking out short-term goals works as motivation when morale is affected. When you see what you have accomplished, you put extra effort during therapy.

Starting Treatment

Once we have collected the necessary information, evaluated your physical health, determined the suitability of the treatment, and set the goals, we can now design a treatment plan. We also determine the number of sessions you will need each week and the duration of the treatment. Additionally, we determine the best strategies to use to help you achieve or regain independence.

Book an Appointment Today

At OneRehab occupational therapy clinic near Irving, TX, we understand rehabilitation needs to be individualized to meet your needs. As a result, we are dedicated to understanding you or your loved one's condition before starting treatment. We achieve this through a thorough question and answer session as well as physical evaluation. Call us today for professional services.