Hand & Wrist Physical Therapy

Hand and wrist physical therapy treatment helps in the alleviation of pain and speed-up of the recovery process. Get in touch with us today and start your journey to healing through hand and wrist pain physical therapy.

Hand and Wrist Injuries Types

Hand and wrist injuries can prevent day to day activities. The hand and wrist make up one of the most active balance joints. Hand exercises help with improving mobility and general functional ability after an injury. Some of the injuries that can affect the hand and wrist are:

Various conditions affect the well-being of your hand and wrist. Generally, most of these conditions are treatable and manageable using hand and wrist physical therapy. Our team carefully examines the condition’s extent and formulates a working plan to reduce pain and increase strength. Hand and wrist pain physical therapy can help improve all these conditions.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome​

Carpal tunnel syndrome is also known as median nerve compression. It is a condition that leads to numbness, weakness, and tingling in your hand and arm. The syndrome happens when the median nerve, one of the hand’s major nerves, is compressed. Early diagnosis of the condition is better as it becomes worse with time.

It is possible to correct the condition early by avoiding certain activities and wearing a wrist splint. Failing to deal with carpal tunnel syndrome early can damage the nerve leading to worsening symptoms.

Hand/Wrist Pain Physical Therapy


  • Tingling or numbness in your fingers, mostly the thumb, index, or ring fingers or hands
  • Weakness in the hand, which can make you drop objects
  • Shock-like feelings moving in your hand
  • Tingling moving up your arm

Treatment and Management

Treating median nerve compression syndrome early entails using cold packs to reduce swelling and pain. Also, taking many breaks to rest the arm between activities and stopping some activities leads to nerve compression.
You can also be required to use a wrist splint to help relieve nighttime and daytime symptoms. Corticosteroids can also relieve pain and inflammation, while can recommend surgery in severe cases. You need hand physical therapy rehab after the surgery. We provide the best physiotherapists who can help you using great techniques that can reduce symptoms.

Patient Wellbeing is Our Primary Concern

Contact our physical therapists today for custom hand and wrist physical therapy.

Trigger Fingers

Trigger fingers lead to pain, stiffness, and locking of the fingers where it bends or straightens with a snap. This condition is also referred to as stenosing tenosynovitis, and it mostly affects the thumb or the ring fingers.

Stenosing tenosynovitis occurs when a narrowed space within the sheath surrounding the tendon is due to inflammation. People who perform repetitive gripping actions are at a higher risk of getting this condition. The syndrome happens when the median nerve, one of the hand’s major nerves, is compressed. Early diagnosis of the condition is better as it becomes worse with time.


  • Stiffness in the finger, especially in the morning
  • Tenderness or a bump at the base of the affected finger
  • Unable to straighten finger locked in a bent position
  • Finger locking or catching in a bent position

Treatment and Management

You can use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which can relieve pain and inflammation, causing the swelling. Using a splint can also help to keep the extended finger straight and rest the tendons. Additionally, using physical therapy can help increase mobility. Working with our qualified hand, physical therapists help in recovery. We recommend and teach gentle exercises that increase mobility.
Doctors can also use steroid injections near the affected tendon to correct the problem or the percutaneous release method to ease the constriction. Surgery can also help in relieving pressure on the tendon.

DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis

DeQuervain’s tenosynovitis is a painful wrist and lower thumb tendon inflammation. Patients with this condition experience pain when turning their wrist, make a fist, or grab anything.
Stenosing tenosynovitis occurs when there is a narrowed space within the sheath surrounding the tendon due to inflammation. People who perform repetitive gripping actions are at a higher risk of getting this condition.The syndrome happens when the median nerve, one of the hand’s major nerves, is compressed. Early diagnosis of the condition is better as it becomes worse with time.


  • Experiencing pain near the thumb base
  • Swelling near the thumb base
  • Problems moving the thumb or wrist when trying to hold or pinch something

What are the Causes?

  • Gaming
  • Getting hit on the thumb
  • Hobbies like racket sports or gardening
  • Overuse
  • Conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis
  • Repetitive tasks at the workplace

Treatment and Management​

Clinics treat the pain you experience when moving the thumb. Medication such as ibuprofen can reduce swelling. Doctors can recommend steroids injected into the tight covering surrounding the tendon when the medication doesn’t work. A splint can help manage the symptoms.

Hand and wrist rehab also help manage this condition. We create a plan to help you improve your strength on the hand, wrist, and thumb. Surgery is also an option where it helps in releasing the tendon sheath allowing better movements. After about 10-14 days, you can start physical therapy.

Hand & Wrist Fractures​

Hand and wrist fractures are common injuries. They can involve a crack or break in one or more wrist bones. The distal radius fracture is the most common injury. It happens when people try to prevent themselves from falling and land hard on the hand. The other fractures include scaphoid fracture affecting one of the eight wrist bones, phalangeal fracture, which affects the small finger bones, and metacarpal fracture.

Symptoms of Wrist or Hand Fracture

  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness
  • Severe pain worsening when gripping or moving the hand and wrist
  • Visible deformity on the wrist

Treatment and Management

To allow the hand to heal fully, the doctor can manipulate the broken pieces back into place. The physician can use a splint or cast to keep the fractured bones in place, which guarantees proper healing.

Hand and wrist treatment physical therapy also helps manage this condition. We create a plan to help you improve your strength on the hand, wrist, and thumb. Surgery is also an option where it helps in releasing the tendon sheath allowing better movements. After about 10-14 days, you can start physical therapy.

Medication manages pain, while antibiotics are suitable for an open wound to prevent an infection. Physical therapy for hand and wrist fractures helps in reducing stiffness and restoring movement on the arm.

Surgical procedures such as closed reduction and pinning, external hand fixation can help treat fractures. We design a treatment plan to help you go through physical therapy, thus restoring your hands and wrist movement once you go through surgery.

Ulnar Wrist Pain

Ulnar wrist pain can be improved with hand and wrist pain therapy and occurs on the pinkie-finger side of your wrist. The pain varies depending on the cause, and it can worsen when trying to twist your wrist or grip something. It can be a challenging condition to diagnose because it is linked to many injury types.


  • Pain on the pixie side when moving the wrist
  • A clicking or popping sensation when rotating the wrist
  • Reduced grip strength
  • Reduced or limited range of motion

Treatment and Management

Treatment can include the use of steroid injections to manage pain. It can also involve hand therapy to assist in activity modification. Surgery can be an option if non-operative methods don’t work.

Wrist Sprains

When the ligaments supporting the wrist stretch beyond their capacity, they can tear, leading to wrist sprains. Twisting or bending the wrist forcefully, mostly from a fall, can cause this condition. They are common injuries ranging from mild to severe.


  • Pain in the wrist
  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • A feeling of tearing or popping inside the wrist
  • Tenderness
  • Warm sensation around the wrist

Treatment and Management

Wrist pain may need a wrist splint to keep it immobilized for about a week or so. Immobilizing can cause wrist stiffness, which is best managed using hand therapy. We offer tailored stretching exercises to help prevent stiffness.When the ligament is fully torn, surgery helps to repair that. Surgery focuses on reconnecting the ligament using a tendon graft, thus reconstructing the ligament.
You will require rehabilitation services after going through surgery. If you are looking for the best hand and wrist physical therapy near me, we are here for you. We assist patients with supervised exercises, helping them gain strength and restore their range of motion.

Wrist Pain

Often, sprains and fractures lead to wrist pain. It can be a sudden injury. Long-term problems such as arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and repetitive stress can also lead to wrist pain.

Treatment and Management

The pain treatment in the wrist will depend on the cause of the problem, the type, and location. Physicians also consider general factors such as your age and overall health. Over the counter medication can be used to relieve pain. For stronger pain relievers, you can get prescription pain killers.

Physical therapy for wrist pain provides supervised exercises to help with tendon injuries. We assess the injuries at our hand and wrist injury therapy clinic and formulate the best recovery exercises. If you undergo surgery to relieve wrist pain, you can benefit from our rehabilitation program. A doctor can suggest surgery to correct fractures, carpal tunnel syndrome, or repair torn ligaments and tendons.

Hand & Wrist Therapy Exercises

Hand injuries pose many challenges. Recovering from an injury or reconstructive surgery requires hand therapy. The PT assesses your range of motion, posture, strength, and nerve sensation during therapy, depending on your condition. They also discuss your medical history and expectations for hand and wrist therapy.
Once we have this information, we design effective exercises. The goal is to fasten the recovery but in a safe manner. The treatment aims to lessen the pain, not to make it worse.
However, some of the exercises can cause soreness after the session. Some of the hand physical therapy exercises include:

Tendon Glides

For this exercise, extend the fingers straight out to begin. Follow the action by making a hook fist and return to the straight hand. Then, make a full fist, and straighten your hand. After that, make a straight fist and straighten your hand. Ensure you hold each position for about 3 seconds before switching and repeating the exercises several times.

Finger Flexion

These exercises allow you to stretch all your fingers all at once. To do the exercises, you need to stretch the fingers wide as possible then hold for 5 seconds. Then, make a tight fist and hold for five seconds. Repeat the exercise about 10 times.

Wrist Flexion/Extension

Another physical therapy exercise you can do at home to relieve wrist pain is wrist flexion and extension. You start the exercise by resting your wrist on a table and the hand hanging off it. Then, bend the wrist down until you feel a stretch and hold for 5 seconds and return to the starting position.


Next, bend the wrist up until you feel a stretch and hold the position for 5 seconds before returning to the starting position. Repeat this series about 10 times.

Prayer Stretch

Prayer stretch helps the muscles loosen, allowing more movement. To perform this exercise, put your palms together with elbows out and slowly lower the writs until you feel a stretch. Repeat this exercise several times and ensure you hold each stretch for 5 seconds before returning to the starting position.

Wrist Tenodesis

It is one of the physical therapy wrist exercises that you can perform for quick recovery. For this position, start a neutral position. Then, slowly extend the wrist back allowing the thumb and fingers to naturally make a fist. Hold the position for 3 seconds. Then, stretch the wrist forward as you allow all the fingers to extend. Repeat the exercises 10 times.

Hook Fist Intrinsic Flexion

For these exercises, you need to bring your fingers into a claw position. Ensure you keep the first knuckles row straight as you bend the remaining joints as far as they can. You can use the other hand to push the tips further into the clawed fist until you feel them stretch. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Additionally, you can use the thumb and the pointer finger to stretch each finger individually. Repeat the exercise on the other hand.

Hand & Wrist Physical Therapy FAQs

Who is a good candidate for hand physical therapy?

Hand and wrist physical therapy is appropriate for anyone who is experiencing problems with the hand or wrist. It can be used to treat a wide range of conditions, including carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, and injuries.

How often does one need to attend hand and wrist physical therapy?

The frequency of treatment will vary depending on the individual’s condition. Some people may only need 5 sessions, while others may need to attend therapy on a weekly or monthly basis.

What should I expect during my first visit?

During your first session, your therapist will ask you about your symptoms and medical history. They will then perform a physical examination of your hand and wrist. After that, they will develop a treatment plan tailored to your needs.

What should I wear to the therapy session?

You don't have to wear any specific clothing for your hand and wrist physical therapy session. However, you may find it more comfortable to wear loose-fitting clothing that doesn't restrict movement.


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